Our 12 Principles of Design

We strive to develop an environment that fosters creativity, collaboration, and growth. Our studio principles for design are based on the belief that creativity is a collaborative process. It is encouraged that every studio member practices the following principles as they are a reflection of our commitment to creativity and innovation in the field of design.

01 Pause/Breathe

Productivity and efficiency are fundamental in design, however both concepts require mental clarity. You must take a break from your tasks, even if only a few minutes-though regular vacations and time off are suggested.

02 Write It Down

An idea is best captured on paper. The tactile feel of a pen or pencil will help you better retain information. Always keep a notebook or stack of post-it notes to write down tasks or anything that comes to mind.

03 Experiment

There are effects and methods you will never master until you mix mediums. Try design with markers, pencils, scanners, paint, analog photography, or letter-pressing. A sustainable and continuously evolving practice is the future of our field.

04 Listen

Everyone’s input within the studio is valuable. There is no right and wrong in creativity, there is only productivity and count- er-productivity. Design is visual communication and proper communication requires inclusivity.

05 Type First

Start all design projects with type first. Gather as much copy as possible from the client, reference novels, or use lorem ipsum. Once you can design a beautiful layout without relying on pictures or graphics then you can design anything.

06 Perpetual Tactility

A designer is obligated to maintain the integrity of typography and pay homage to the scribes and writers responsible for the conception our field. We must never abandon serif or script typefaces. There is no future without knowing and under- standing the past.

07 Purge

Misplaced items and overload are synonymous. Part with futile items and donate them to someone else. Allow the principles of design to flow into your personal life. Everything on the artboard serves a purpose, and so must everything in your life.

08 Freelance

The modus operandi of your company may not support an individuals’ optimal working style. The encouragement of freelance work promotes experimentation of interests, alternative forms of working, and expansion of skillset.

09 Conclude

Always subsequently reestablish yourself in your mission and values. Leave no page unturned and always close the chapter both in your personal and professional life. Completed tasks, projects, promises, and ideas are a sign of reliability.

10 Think > Speak

Be certain that when you speak your words are magnanimous, researched, and thorough. Criticism without thought and empathy is brutality. A thought without research and evidence is merely an opinion.

11 Immerse

Surround yourself with the arts. Creative stimuli is essential to imaginational growth. Consider film, music, fine art, cho- reography, or architecture. Immerse yourself in the world of creativity and you will never run out of ideas.

12 Always Together

You will never accomplish anything on your own. Whether you acknowledge it or not, you have never accomplished anything entirely on your own. Give due diligence to those who have helped you. Encourage teamwork and use your network as a support system.